Saturday, February 9, 2013

TLT - Check!

Our group of 23 team leaders completed the Americorps NCCC Team Leader Training (TLT) this Thursday.  Although TLT only lasted about 3 weeks it feels like a lifetime.  After hours and hours of leadership training, we finally had an opportunity to apply our knowledge in action.  In preparation for the arrival of 170 FEMA Corps Members on Tuesday, the NCCC staff had the TLs go through 7 different scenarios of actual situations that have happened with corps members.  My first scenario took place in a “store” where the "store owner" mistreated a person of color on my team, told us to leave the store and threatened to call the cops.  Although it was just role playing, it felt real.  My hands were sweating, I couldn't think clearly and my instinct was to punch the store owner in the face!  At first I focused all of my attention on the "store owner" and making him cry until I realized I needed to stay calm and pay attention to caring for my team.  In the end I handled the situation well but got some helpful pointers from other TLs that I would incorporate next time.  One TL pointed at the “store owner” and said in a calm but firm voice “Sir, that is not cool!”  Another used the knowledge she had gained at her women’s college.  She focused on helping her corps member feel empowered instead of treating her like a victim by telling her she was strong and could rise about this situation.

Lucky for me, they held a celebration at the end of training giving me a chance to have fun and forget about the emotionally intensity from earlier in the day.  Our 4 units (Gold, Green, Silver and Blue) took turns reflecting on our training thru song, skits, photos, and laughter.  That evening was filled with more team bonding at the former Officers Club at McClellan Air Base where we enjoyed kereoke and dancing.  A good time was had by all.

The best part of the training for me was connecting with and learning from the other TLs.  In just under a month we have bonded together more than I could have imagined.  Although some are young in comparison to myself, they are amazing leaders, an inspiration to me everyday and help me stretch beyond my limits.  Each day I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn about true leadership and to put it into practice.

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