Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baggage!!!!! (not the personal kind)

So the big challenge I have today is that I can only bring what can fit in the duffle bag that FEMA Corps has provided to me.  Initially I didn’t think it was a big deal since we are required to wear a uniform.  I pretty much wear the same pair of jeans and t-shirt everyday.  But when faced with the knowledge that I will be wearing the same clothes for the next 10 months it gets more daunting.  Obviously we will have the opportunity to shop.  But sometimes common sense doesn’t kick in for me in these matters.  I go into hoarding mode.  I think about the fact that I have a secret weapon.  My car.  Whatever can’t fit into the duffle bag I’ll put in the car.  So obviously I can load ‘er up with anything I want…sleeping bag, pillow, hangars, q-tips.  But when it comes down to it, there are really only 3 things I can’t live without for the next 10 months—my pillow, my rainbow unicorn hat, and my head massager.  Kind of says a lot about me.  I like my comfort (ie., self-care) and I like to make people laugh.  Who can’t help but laugh at a 44-year old woman wearing a hat with a unicorn on it?

Honestly, I love the idea of paring down to the bare minimum.  I’ve always been a minimalist and now I have an excuse.  Thank you FEMA Corps!

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